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The Easy Way

We compiled an assortment of science-based personality quizzes to help you get to know yourself a bit more (and brainstorm what makes you, you).



Category A

includes the personality quiz that Alever uses for our brainstorming (and what we've found to be the most clear in describing the personality traits).


Category B

includes other scientific quizzes that can reveal different aspects of your personality.



Remember to take a screenshot of your scores!

(Sorry, Myers-Briggs fans. See Exhibits A, B, C, and D.)

Category B

How do you cope?

Light and dark sides of your personality

Big Five:

Long 300-item version

Harry Potter Sorting Quiz

What qualities do you admire?

What is your attachment style?

How do you make risky decisions?



Career Test

We hope that these quizzes gave you some ideas and inspiration for your personal statement

But, if you would like one of our consultants to help you delve deeper into your results, we are more than happy to help you                        !

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